My name is Jamie Peterson. I come from a family of musicians, poets, wood carvers, and journalists. I discovered my love for writing poetry as a young girl and went on to attend conservatory after high school. After I married and had four sons, raising them became my primary job and writing was secondary. I eventually began working for the airlines and became a Christian at 18. Through prayer and intercession, I wrote poetry again, and then songs from heaven. As my sons grew older, I enjoyed traveling to new countries. On one particular drive, I felt compelled to pull over and write a poem, which my son read and said was from God. The following Saturday, my college son, who was studying abroad in Australia, was found unresponsive in his room. I was devastated and, in the wake of his passing, wrote a song. Now, my wish is to write poems that will become songs and bring glory to the kingdom of God.
To read more about my journey, check out this post!